Mushroom Medley – Special Nutrients
Mushroom Medley
Potent blend of five organic medicinal mushrooms
to support optimal immune function
Medicinal mushrooms have been used for thousands of years to promote health and wellness. Reishi mushroom, or Ganoderma lucidum, for example,
was considered in Traditional Chinese Medicine to be the “mushroom of immortality.” Reishi’s medicinal properties were so revered in ancient Chinese
culture that its use was reserved only for the emperor.
Medicinal mushrooms have long been considered to be superior adaptogens because they help the body deal with stress. They are also considered to be
“longevity tonics” because of their system-wide support in helping to maintain a balanced immune response throughout the body. Medicinal mushrooms
have been found to have beneficial effects on digestion, circulation, respiration, immune function, and cognition.1
It has been suggested that medicinal mushrooms exhibit this broad spectrum of pharmacological activity due to the mechanisms of action of their various
bioactive constituents, including immunomodulating, digestive, hepatoprotective, neuroprotective, nephroprotective, osteoprotective, and hypotensive
activity.1 It is believed to be the presence of various natural constituents of medicinal mushrooms — phenolic compounds, polysaccharides, terpenoids,
and other bioactive compounds — that contributes to their potent biological activity.2
Bioactive Compounds
Polysaccharides represent the major bioactive compounds existing in medicinal mushrooms. Polysaccharides are believed to exhibit potent
immunomodulatory activity – they bring balance to the immune system.1 The best known and most abundant of the mushroom polysaccharides are the
alpha-glucans and the beta-glucans.3
Terpenoids are organic compounds present in mushrooms that have been reported to be extremely versatile in their health-promoting benefits, with
effectiveness against multiple adverse health conditions.4
Proteins are found in mushrooms in abundant quantities. It has been hypothesized that many mushroom proteins have significant health-promoting
benefits. In particular, proteins called lectins are involved in many biological activities, such as promoting innate immunity and up-regulating cell-to-cell
interaction. Lectins are also believed to have significant beneficial immunomodulatory properties.5
Ergotheoneine is a sulfur-based amino acid found in its highest levels in mushrooms, as well as in various fermented foods. Ergotheoneine has potent
antioxidant capabilities and is considered to be a longevity nutrient.
Other mushroom metabolites that have beneficial biological activity include phenolic compounds, antioxidants, sterols, and fatty acids.2
Reishi – Ganoderma lucidum
Reishi – known in Traditional Chinese Medicine as “the mushroom of immortality” – has been used in traditional systems of folk medicine for thousands
of years. As a result, Ganoderma lucidium is truly time-tested for both its safety and its efficacy. Reishi is an effective adaptogenic that helps the body
deal with the negative effects of stress. Stress can cause an imbalanced inflammatory response, hormonal imbalances, adrenal fatigue, and weakened
immune function. In addition to its adaptogenic properties, Reishi has been shown to support balanced immune function by helping to maintain a normal
inflammatory response throughout the body.6 It is this characteristic — support for a companion animal’s balanced immune function — that dictated the
inclusion of Reishi in Mushroom Medley.
Because many immune health disorders are rooted in inflammatory dysregulation, Reishi mushroom’s recognized immunomodulatory effects
can help alleviate these imbalances.7 The natural constituents in Reishi have been described in the scientific literature as exhibiting this beneficial
immunomodulatory effect.8
In Ganoderma lucidum, many of its natural constituents are extracted from the fruiting body. Many polysaccharides and triterpenes, the two major
groups of bioactive components in the mushroom, exhibit beneficial effects on immune function, as shown in numerous results from in vitro experiments
and animal and human in vivo studies.9 Reishi mushroom provides a broad array of beneficial effects to help a companion animal suffering from an immune
system’s inflammatory response that is out of balance.
Turkey Tail – Coriolus Versicolor
Turkey Tail mushroom has gained substantial popularity in veterinary medicine since a study by the University of Pennsylvania showed that supportive
therapy with a polysaccharopeptide from Turkey Tail prolonged survival in dogs being treated for a particularly common but virulent type of cancer
(hemangiosarcoma).10 This study created much excitement in veterinary circles because historical veterinary treatment of hemangiosarcoma has a poor
prognosis and is often unrewarding.
Similar to Reishi, Turkey Tail mushroom has been used for many years in Japanese and Chinese medical systems. Turkey Tail mushroom has strong
properties that promote a healthy immune response through its diverse array of antioxidant components.11 Research suggests this strong antioxidant
capability helps prevent DNA damage.12
The two primary compounds that provide the above benefit are polysaccharide P (PSP) and polysaccharide K (PSK). PSK has been in common clinical
use in Japan since 1970.13 There is a tremendous amount of research analyzing these compounds in the treatment of a wide variety of companion animal
disorders. Turkey Tail mushroom also holds promise in supporting the veterinary patient who is undergoing conventional chemotherapy and radiation by
supporting the animal’s innate immune system, as well as providing needed energy and vitality.
Turkey Tail mushroom also has the added benefit of supporting a healthy microbiome because the beta-glucan constituent acts as a prebiotic. It has also
been found that the PSP in Turkey Tail mushroom supports the presence of healthy probiotic bacteria, while also reducing the harmful overgrowth of
undesirable bacterial species.14