Cushings Disease in dogs is not a condition that improves on its own without treatment. The most common cause is a microscopic, benign pituitary tumor, which oversecretes a hormone that causes the adrenals to produce cortisol. Alternatively the adrenals can have a primary tumor that secretes too much cortisol. Half of these tumors are benign and the other half malignant that tend to spread to the lungs and liver. 

The result of either of these two tumors is a chronic excess of blood cortisol. In effect, the dog is poisoned with too much cortisol and cannot rely on its own feedback mechanism to regulate the blood cortisol level.

Top ten signs of cushings syndrome are: increased thirst, increased urination, increased appetitie, abdominal enlargement, hair loss/thinning, inflamed skin, panting, muscle weakness, thin skin and lethargy. Left untreated, cushings disease will progress. As excess cortisol is immunosuppressive, these dogs are prone to various infections. They are also predisposed to developing hypothyroidism, pancreatitis, diabetes, seizures, hypertension, congestive heart failure, blood clots, liver and kidney failure. 

It is always advised to get a definitive diagnosis before starting either conventional therapy or using a more holistic approach.  For more information, visit our webpage Canine Cushings Disease.